HMP High Down Outreach Service

  • The outreach service supports men within High Down who screen on to the OPD pathway and who require additional support, either because of behaviour which is difficult to manage or because they are on indeterminate sentences and finding it difficult to make progress in the sentence plans.

  • Address: HMP High Down High Down Lane, Sutton, SM2 5PJ
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What does our service do?

 The outreach service provides a range of interventions, ranging from consultation with staff and developing shared formulations of the presenting issues, to individual and group sessions which allow for the development of a greater understanding of the individual’s difficulties, relationship building and skills development to assist them in making the desired progress.

Who is this service for?

Male prisoners at HMP High Down who screen on to the OPD Pathway who need additional support with behavioural issues, engagement or progression due to their personality difficulties. 

How to contact this service

Referrals are accepted from Offender Managers in prison and the community and from clinical teams using the referral form.

Referrals are prioritised based on clinical need, sentence type and sentence planning issues.

To contact the service please email on:

Our team

The team is made up of clinical staff and specialist Prison Officers