OPD Community Services

Service List

  1. HASS

    LPP provide psychological support and supervision to staff working into a range of accommodation services housing men and women screened into the OPD Pathway.

    Address: ,

  2. Integrated Community Pathways Services (ICPS)

    The ICPS is a team of psychological therapists, clinical practitioners and specialist probation practitioners providing both indirect and direct input to Probation Service London. ICPS practitioners provide consultation and training to probation staff working in Core Offender Management (CORE-OM). They also provide direct support within the Intensive Interventions Risk Management Service (IIRMS).

    Address: ,

  3. The Inclusion and Involvement Team (I&I)

    The I&I team offers a flexible and responsive approach to engaging service users to support them in their transition to the community. This may include practical support, emotional/pastoral support, opportunities for social connection and skills to engage in employment. It further aims to embed the voices and wishes of service users in the development of its provision through a Being Heard pathway and both paid and voluntary involvement roles.

    Address: ,

  4. Women's Pathway

    The Women's Offender Personality Disorder (OPD) Pathway works alongside wider OPD services to provide gender-informed consultations, advice and training for professionals working with women who screen onto the OPD pathway. The emphasis is on assisting professionals with an early identification, pathway planning and development of trauma-informed formulations, but the service also offers direct practical and emotional support as well as accommodation and specialist therapeutic interventions for women with complex needs who may otherwise struggle to access support through mainstream services. The Women’s OPD team consists of multi-agency professionals from probation, NHS and third sector partners who work in close collaboration to provide holistic approach to providing stabilisation, psychological interventions, and risk management.

    Address: ,

  5. Workforce Development Team

    The Workforce Development Team aim to embed psychologically informed practice across the London Probation Service. This is achieved through regular training events to probation practitioners as well as a comprehensive schedule of continuing professional development for all staff on the OPD Pathway. The Workforce Development Team also support staff wellbeing and psychological health enabling them to adopt a trauma informed and compassionate approach in their work.

    Address: ,