• LPP provide psychological support and supervision to staff working into a range of accommodation services housing men and women screened into the OPD Pathway.

What does our service do?

We offer support and supervision to residential staff in three supported accommodation projects run by our partner organisation, Social Interest Group (SIG) Penrose. These projects offer 12 month placements to 12 men and four women screened onto the OPD pathway with significant resettlement needs.

Psychological Therapists provide consultations and reflective practice to probation staff working into Approved Premises (AP) in London. We also offer direct support to AP residents through joint sessions with their key workers.

We have four clinical practitioners specialising in supporting people on probation to secure accommodation post release. These posts are seconded from Single Homeless Project (SHP) and also provide specialist training and support to staff.

We run a 20 bedded Psychologically Informed Planned Environment (PIPE) supporting transition from prison into the community.


OPD Pathway

Who is this service for?

Men screened into the OPD pathway and managed by the National Probation Service


Referrals are discussed fortnightly to assess suitability. However broadly the following criteria would indicate suitable referrals:

  • Demonstrable level of risk and complexity suggesting a need for specialist high support to enable successful resettlement.
  • Has previously struggled - or their presentation suggests they would struggle - to live independently in the community
  • Would benefit from a psychologically informed approach and access to an individualised programme to support their reintegration into the community.
  • Motivated to engage with the residential service, activities and the support offered by the team
  • Minimum of 12 months left on license


OPD Pathway

Our team


OPD Pathway